Is it an Aneurysm or a Stroke?

Although the terms "stroke" and "aneurysm" are commonly used interchangeably, there are some significant differences between these two deadly illnesses.

A stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or the blood supply to the brain is cut off. An aneurysm is caused by a weakening of the arterial wall.

Aneurysms are bulges in your body that can burst and bleed if they rupture. They have the potential to impact any portion of the body, including the brain and the heart.

Continue reading to learn more about how to recognize and treat aneurysms and strokes.

How can you know whether you've had a stroke or if you've had an aneurysm?

Both a stroke and a burst aneurysm can strike abruptly and without warning. The signs and symptoms will differ. Whether you have a stroke or an aneurysm will determine the type of emergency treatment you need.

A quick response to symptoms, regardless of the reason, is critical.
Not every sign of a stroke will be present. If one or more of the signs appear suddenly, you may be having a stroke.

If you have an aneurysm, you normally won't notice any symptoms until it bursts. If an aneurysm rupture, you will get a severe headache. You could also vomit if you are ill to your stomach.

How are aneurysms and strokes diagnosed?

Your doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan if you share your symptoms and personal medical history with them.

An aneurysm or stroke can be diagnosed using CT and MRI images. The location of bleeding in the brain and parts of the brain with insufficient blood flow are seen on a CT scan. The brain can be imaged in great detail using an MRI. Your doctor may request both an MRI and a CT scan, as well as additional imaging procedures, in some instances.

How can you lower your chances of having a stroke or an aneurysm?

There is no guaranteed strategy to avoid an aneurysm or stroke. However, you can keep your blood pressure under control. Here are some suggestions for lowering your blood pressure:

  • Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).
  • Regular exercise should be a part of your everyday regimen.
  • Maintain a balanced diet.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions for taking your medications.
  • If you smoke, speak with your doctor about quitting methods.

5 Simple Steps To A Healthier Lifestyle | HuffPost Life
Strokes and aneurysms can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle, but if you or a loved one has just had one of these life-changing events, assistance is always accessible.



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