It's more vital than ever to address both emotional and physical wellness as we enter the new season and continue to navigate the current pandemic. Here are some Autumn Wellness Tips to help you prepare for the upcoming chilly months and keep your body and mind in good shape!
- Take Vitamin D supplement on a daily basis. Because we acquire the majority of our Vitamin D from the sun, our intake may decline when the days become shorter, the weather becomes colder, and we spend more time indoors. A Vitamin D supplement can help you improve your mood and strengthen your immune system!
- Prioritize self-care. Many find themselves slowing down during the autumn and winter months. As you enjoy more down time, consider taking some time every day to exercise, journal, meditate, or spend time pursuing hobbies that bring you joy and help you feel more connected.
- Give your immune system a boost. Doing so can be as simple as drinking plenty of water, regularly washing hands often to prevent sickness, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting ample rest.
- Prep for Daylight Savings Time. The week before the clocks change, get to bed earlier as often as you can. Longer periods of darkness means longer periods of sleep!
- Plan accordingly. During the cold months, we tend to hibernate if we don’t have things to keep us busy. This will especially true this year as many are still practicing social distancing. Be sure to plan some fun activities or get togethers, even if virtual, so you maintain contact with others and ward off feelings of isolation.
- Moisturize and use SPF. Harsh temperatures can leave your skin feeling dry. Artificial sources of heat may exacerbate this dryness. Moisturize your skin regularly and be sure to wear sunscreen every day.
- Enjoy in-season food. Beets, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kale, pumpkin, broths, roasted squash, roots and sautéed dark leafy greens are all great choices. They can also be found in abundance during this time of year! Head to your local farmer’s market and take advantage of all the season’s bounty!
- Stay active! It can be easy to just sit around all the time, but it’s important to get in some movement throughout the day. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.
- Dress in layers. The weather can be erratic during the fall and early months. Wear layers to maintain proper body temperature.
- Spend some time doing a fall, “spring cleaning.” Clean out your closet, organize that one room or junk drawer, and rid yourself of things you no longer need.
- Prepare your home. Make sure your heat is working properly, that your flashlights have batteries, and that you are prepared for any unexpected emergencies.
- Maintain a daily schedule. Cold months, combined with social distancing, can leave people feeling isolated. Scheduling time in your day to do things you enjoy and connect with others can help you better manage the inevitable winter blues.
- Give yourself grace. The holidays can cause weight gain, the shorter days can cause low mood, and the flu season can cause sickness. Listen to your body, give it what it needs, and don’t beat yourself up if you stumble on that diet or project. Also, try reframing negative thoughts into positive ones.
Make it a season to remember!